
Returns all movements needed to solve Hanoi Tower problem.
Name Type Description
count Number Count of the plates/stones.
source String | Number Identifier of the 1st peg.
intermediate String | Number Identifier of the 2nd peg.
goal String | Number Identifier of the 3rd peg.
Array which contains all the moves required in order to place all the plates onto the last peg.
var hanoi = require('path-to-algorithms/src/others/hanoi').hanoi;
var movements = hanoi(3, 'a', 'b', 'c');

// Move a to c
// Move a to b
// Move c to b
// Move a to c
// Move b to a
// Move b to c
// Move a to c
movements.forEach(function (move) {
  console.log('Move', move[0], 'to', move[1]);